Coming Soon


An Event Apart

Remember telling you about our belief in communication?

Oh well, at Unconf you have the spotlight. This kind of event will take you on a journey, figuratively and literally, to help you understand how you can overcome your fears of sharing that story, experience, or idea with others.

RTC Unconf follows the Unconference philosophy – an event driven by participants and topics generated by the attendees on the spot, while breakout groups are formed dynamically based on interest and relevance.

The format guarantees:

High energy level – people focus on issues that matter to them

Serendipity – we know where we start, we’re always excited by the results 

Flexibility – discover unexpected topics and capture the moment that brings most value for each individual 

Informal environment – with spontaneous conversations that happen between people in different teams or roles, who don’t normally work together where knowledge sharing and building trust is the goal
